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Question by Sean D: newborn baby gifts?
whats a good gift i can give my boss whos a guy for his newborn child? its a girl
Best answer:
Answer by Summer L
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Do you work in an office environment? How about a picture frame that has a baby theme or says “Daddy’s Girl” so he can proudly display her picture on his desk? Otherwise any typical baby gift will do.
Disposable diapers are always a great gift and very needed. Usually they will get clothing and such, but the baby will go through a lot of diapers.
Baby blankets!
How about a keepsake? Necklace, piggy bank?
Silver cup (something you can engrave)?
Laundry basket filled with: an outfit or two, diapers,
wipes, baby shampoo, body wash, socks, washcloths,
rattles, nail clippers, thermometer, lotion etc.
Gift card to have pictures taken ?
~Get something cute that says Daddy’s girl or something with dad on it.
~A cute outfit supporting his favorite sports team. They make all kinds of cute things with sports teams in mind.